Saturday, May 14, 2011

the very gross violent game show

This was essentially a game show that involved one challenger, a group of contestants, a host, and an audience. The group of contestants each round had to submit a list of body parts. Then the host would take the lists, scrammble them up, and the challenger would pick one each round. Whatever body part he choose, he would have to cut off with a sword. The each body part is worth different points, and if he choose your body part then you would get the points for it, but only if he could complete the action. In my dream the challenger made it 3 rounds. The first he tried to cut off his calf but failed, the second his upper arm./shoulder and failed. THe last was a finger and was successful. When he was wheeled out on cart he has 3 bandages, and while still smiling, had a real chance of bledding to death. The contestants were all just focused on who won the points.

It was a very weird, sick, mean spirited dream. It had a very hunger games feel.

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